Can churches and charities use Meet The Need to manage internal volunteer needs? How do I create an internal serving team (e.g. Greeters or Ushers for a Church, or Kitchen or Warehouse for a Charity) to empower leaders within our organization to manage their department’s needs?

Churches and charities may want to post needs for internal functions (e.g. Ushers, Greeters) that should only be seen by Approved “Members” of that organization. And, for example, churches often want to empower lay leaders of internal ministries with a dedicated Dashboard for each leader to manage and communicate the needs for that ministry.

Use My Teams under My Account on your Dashboard to create separate “teams” under your organization to manage those functions separately. Assign those registered under your organization to be Key Contacts or Regular Members of those groups/teams using Approved Members under My Account (see the Help button on that page or search the FAQs for detailed instructions about assigning Key Contacts and “members” to teams).


To post internal ministry needs, go to the Volunteer/Goods Management Module (on the overall organization’s Dashboard or the team’s Dashboard) and click Post Needs for Volunteers/Goods. On the drop down boxes on the need posting form, select Church or Ministry > Volunteers > Serve at My Church and choose the appropriate Subcategory in the final drop down. When you post needs for internal volunteers, the View Status for all Serve at My Church needs are automatically set to Semi-Private, meaning they are only visible on your web site (cannot be viewed through the web sites of other local organizations). Only Approved Members of the organization (or the internal ministry team) will be sent an email with a link to sign up to meet that need