Before posting a need, Meet The Need requires that the Key Contact first search the offers currently in the system because there is no reason to post a need if someone in your area has already submitted an offer to provide those goods or services. You must select from all four of the drop down boxes all the way through to the Subcategory level in order to Search Offers and/or Post Needs.
In the event that the system locates an offer for that particular need/category, simply select Match with this Offer, which will send out e-mails to whoever made the offer with contact information for your organization and instructions for how to meet that need. An e-mail will be sent to the Key Contacts of your organization as well.
If no offers are found or if the offer(s) does not match well with the need you want to post, click the Post Need button to bypass the offer and post the need. The Category and Subcategory information you entered in the Search Offers box will already be preselected on the form.