All posts by admin

How are our confirmation and reminder emails addressed?

Emails are automatically sent through the Meet The Need system to those who commit to meet need you post; however, they are addressed from the person who registered the organization or the person who created the team or event. You may edit that Key Contact information on the organization’s/team’s/event’s Dashboard under My Account and Edit Organization Profile.


Can we customize our reminder emails?

Yes. Under Settings on your Dashboard, under Customize E-Mails & Confirmation Pages click Manage E-Mails & Confirmation Pages, which will walk you through the process of creating a special account to edit our standard content for each of your confirmation emails, reminder emails and your confirmation page.

What confirmation and reminder emails are sent to those who commit to meet needs?

A confirmation email is sent immediately after someone signs up to meet a need. Reminders are sent at 21, 7, and 1 day prior to the Needed by: date. Recurring volunteer needs only receive a confirmation email and only 1 reminder prior to the first occurrence (due to the number of occurrences). The emails are addressed from the Key Contact of the organization or team who posted the need. The email includes a link asking the user to Cancel if their plans have changed or to Complete and enter a testimonial after the meet the need. Those links will take the person to their church’s or company’s web site to perform those actions (if their church or company has a template). Or it will take them directly to the organization’s web site who posted the need if they are not associated with a church or company (or if their church or company does not have a template).

Where do I go for resources to share Meet The Need with others in my network so we can all communicate needs much more easily?

Meet The Need has a wide array of materials and videos available to help you encourage others to join the network of MTN users.

If you are a church, sharing MTN with your charity partners will make it much more simple for you to show their needs to your members. For materials to tell your charity partners about MTN, click here.

If you are a charity, sharing MTN with your church partners will make it much more simple for you to communicate your needs directly to their members. For materials to tell your church partners about MTN, click here.

You can also access those materials on the Share MTN! button on the orange sub-menu on or by clicking the blue Share button on the bottom of your Dashboard.


Can I change the images next to the needs on the search page?

The icons are associated with each type of need based on the category chosen when the need was posted. These icons are used by our members nationwide; therefore, we are not able to customize them. However, if you are running an outreach event, you can create customized categories and subcategories and can also attach your own icon/logo (.jpeg) to your overall event.


Why is it important for me to communicate to our database of volunteers, members, etc. that internal and local needs may now be found on our web site?

People are not accustomed to going to a charity, company or church web site to search and adopt needs. They are used to hearing about charitable needs or events through emails, a bulletin, the pulpit announcements, etc. and signing up via a paper form. So you will want to communicate and remind them frequently to go to your web site to find ways they can serve others. Driving traffic toward your web site will take workload off your staff and allow you to spend more time cultivating relationships and planning new opportunities to increase your impact in the community.