For individuals who are not already “Members” of your organization, have them first register on this link under the name of your organization (in Step 2). Then go to My Account and Pending Members under Member Status and click Approve and Regular Member on the drop down lists to the right of the person’s name.
For those who are already Approved Members of your organization, the individual can join the team from the Connect with My Church & Local Ministries link on their Personal Dashboard (View Instructional Video).
Once they have registered under your organization, then you can:
- Go to your Dashboard and click My Account and Approved Members under Member Status
- Check the box next to that individual’s name on the list and click the Assign __ Members to Teams button, select the team from the drop down list, and then click Assign
- Then, switch Dashboards to the team you created (via the drop down box in the top right corner of your Dashboard next to the house icon)
- Go the Pending Members page, approve that individual and make him/her a Regular Member via the drop downs to the far right of the person’s name
Meet The Need can also provide you with a special link to easily enable people to directly join your teams or events, whether or not they are a “member” or not of your organization. Once they join the team or event they will show up the team/event Dashboard and you can approve them as “members” of the team. Contact us to receive the special link to send out to those individuals.