All posts by admin

Where and how can I view and manage my organization’s teams?

To view and manage each team you created, go to My Account, and click View Teams under My Teams. You will see the name of each team, contact information for the leader of the team, the names of each member of that team, all of that group’s pending and completed giving activity, as well as any outstanding “offers” they have entered into the system. You may also deactivate the team or reactivate a team that was previously deactivated under Activation Status. The team’s status will change immediately. Keep in mind that the numbers shown for the team’s Pending Commitments, Completed Commitments and Offers reflect all activities of the individual team members, not exclusively their activities within/for that particular team.

You can also directly access each team’s Dashboard by selecting the name of that team from the Select Other Organization drop down (which is located to the left of your Dashboard icon in the top right hand corner of your Dashboard). On your team’s Dashboard, the Key Contact for the team can post needs for the team or view reports showing all of the commitment activity for the needs you posted for that team.

How can I as a Key Contact for an organization assign people to one of our teams?

For individuals who are not already “Members” of your organization, have them first register on this link under the name of your organization (in Step 2). Then go to My Account and Pending Members under Member Status and click Approve and Regular Member on the drop down lists to the right of the person’s name.

For those who are already Approved Members of your organization, the individual can join the team from the Connect with My Church & Local Ministries link on their Personal Dashboard (View Instructional Video).

Once they have registered under your organization, then you can:

  • Go to your Dashboard and click My Account and Approved Members under Member Status
  • Check the box next to that individual’s name on the list and click the Assign __ Members to Teams button, select the team from the drop down list, and then click Assign
  • Then, switch Dashboards to the team you created (via the drop down box in the top right corner of your Dashboard next to the house icon)
  • Go the Pending Members page, approve that individual and make him/her a Regular Member via the drop downs to the far right of the person’s name

Meet The Need can also provide you with a special link to easily enable people to directly join your teams or events, whether or not they are a “member” or not of your organization. Once they join the team or event they will show up the team/event Dashboard and you can approve them as “members” of the team. Contact us to receive the special link to send out to those individuals.

How can I as a Key Contact for an organization assign someone as a Key Contact of a new team under our organization (but keep them from having access to our main “parent” organizational Dashboard?

For individuals who are not already “Members” of your organization, have them first register on this link under the name of your organization (in Step 2). Then go to My Account and Pending Members under Member Status and click Approve and Regular Member on the drop down lists to the right of the person’s name.

For those who are already Approved Members of your organization, the individual can join the team from the Connect with My Church & Local Ministries link on their Personal Dashboard (View Instructional Video).

Once they have registered and are an approved “Member” of your primary organization, then you can:

  • Go to your Dashboard and click My Account and Approved Members under Member Status
  • Check the box next to that individual’s name on the list and click the Assign __ Members to Teams button, select the team from the drop down list, and then click Assign
  • Then, switch Dashboards to the team you created (via the drop down box in the top right corner of your Dashboard next to the house icon)
  • Go the Pending Members page, approve that individual and make him/her a Key Contact via the drop downs to the far right of the person’s name

The next time that person logs in, he/she will see a dedicated team Dashboard for them to post/manage their team’s needs and see who has agreed to meet each need.

Meet The Need can also provide you with a special link to easily enable people to directly join your teams or events, whether or not they are a “member” of your organization. Once they join the team or event they will show up on the team/event Dashboard and you can make them a Key Contact. Contact us to receive the special link to send out to those individuals.


How does forming teams restrict the view of certain needs to particular individuals?

When the Team leader posts needs for that role or skill set via the mission team’s dashboard, those pre-qualified individuals on that teams will receive automated email notifications. For needs posted as Private, team members will have to login to prove they are members of the team before seeing the needs. Team leaders will have a private, dedicated dashboard for their team to post/manage needs, organize team members, and see who has agreed to meet each need.

How does forming teams enable the organization to control the actions of team leaders?


Creating teams under your organization:

  1. Empowers team leaders to manage their activities separately from the rest of the organization, not allowing them to see the activity of other teams or the overall organization
  2. Allows organizations to control the ability of team leaders to share information with other individuals who are not on that team
  3. Only those who have an interest in that “team’s” efforts can join or be assigned to that team. They must opt in and be approved to receive communications directly from the team.
  4. Enables an organization to restrict the view of certain needs to those who are properly credentialed (e.g. background checked)

What are teams and why do organizations create them in Meet The Need?

Some organizations form separate groups under their organization’s Meet The Need Dashboard. They do so to:

  • Organize particular functions within the organization (e.g. Greeters or Ushers for a Church, or Kitchen or Warehouse for a Charity)
  • Empower group leaders with state-of-the-art tools, including their own private Meet The Need Dashboard, to more easily manage their function/group
  • Restrict the view/adoption of needs to particular individuals (e.g. those who are background checked). Only approved members of teams will receive automated emails when the team/group leader posts new needs. If the needs are posted as Members Only, then team members will have to login to see and meet those needs, proving they are actually members of the team.

How do I update my organizational information like phone number, email, address, etc.?

From your Dashboard, go to My Account and click Edit Organization Profile under My Account Information.   This page shows contact data and other information that was entered when the Key Contact originally registered the organization. You may edit your organization’s contact data (name, phone, address, email, etc.) or any other information on this page at any time.

On that page, we suggest leaving We Deliver to Families? unchecked. Meet The Need may offer a service in the future for you to refer families to a Help/Prayer Line to offload the work of loading information about families and their needs.

The Bio field is your “advertisement” to those searching for needs through the web sites of local churches, charities and companies who use Meet The Need, so you will benefit from clearly expressing your organization’s vision and mission here.