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As a Key Contact of an organization, how do I see where “members” within my organization are serving?

On your organizational Dashboard, under My Account and Member Reports, click the buttons to view:

  1. Pending Gifts/Commitments (View Instructional Video) – Pending Gifts are commitments by your Approved Members which they have not yet indicated they have fulfilled. For each Pending Gift you can see what they agreed to give (or service they agreed to provide), to whom, quantity and how long ago. For charities, “Pending Gifts” lists all outstanding commitments of your Approved “Members” to meet needs only of your organization. For churches and companies, this page lists all current commitments (adopted, but not yet completed) to meet needs of your organization and other organizations by your Approved “Members”. This allows you to view all of the giving activity that your organization is involved in across any date range or any type of need.
  2. Completed Gifts/Commitments (View Instructional Video) – Completed Gifts are commitments by your Approved Members which they have indicated that they have fulfilled. For each Completed Gift, you can see what each member gave (or service they provided), to whom, quantity, how long ago, how long it took them to fulfill the commitment, and a testimonial about their experience meeting each need. For charities, “Completed Gifts” lists all past commitments/gifts of your Approved “Members” to meet needs only of your organization. For churches and companies, this page lists all past commitments/gifts to meet needs of your organization and other organizations by your Approved “Members”. This allows you to view all of the giving activity that your organization is involved in across any date range or any type of need.

Your “members” can “complete” a Pending Commitment/Gift by logging back into their account after they have met the need, going to their Personal Dashboard, clicking on My Pending Commitments, clicking on the Complete button next to the applicable need, entering a testimonial about their experience meeting the need and clicking Submit.


What are Completed Commitments by Individuals or Groups under View Needs/Reports?

This report contains a history of every individual, church, or ministry who has ever met a need your organization posted in the past so you can look them up by name and stay in touch with them, including:

  • All contact details for each person or group
  • What church or company that person is associated with (if any)
  • What need(s) they met
  • When and how they met the need
  • How many volunteers or items they brought with them
  • A testimonial of the experience that person or group had meeting the need
  • If that person or group cancelled, why they cancelled

On this report, Key Contacts can:

  • Enter any identifying information about a particular individual or group to see all of their completed commitments
  • Select from drop down boxes to narrow all commitments by the categories or subcategories of goods or services provided to the organization, families, mission trips, missionaries or events
  • Sort Commitments by a wide variety of date ranges
  • View contact details and organizational affiliation (church or company) of each individual or group, the need they met, date need was met, date they made the commitment, difference between the date the commitment was made and the date they met the need, and the number of items or volunteers provided
  • View data, graphs and charts showing key metrics for total commitments fulfilled (those displayed based on your search criteria above) for needs posted by your organization by date range and need type. Metrics include the number of volunteers, items, volunteer hours and other summary level statistics.
  • Automatically generate a CSV report showing all of the data for the commitments displayed in the table based on your search criteria.


Why are Pending Commitments converted to Completed status automatically?

All Pending Commitments are converted by the system to “Completed” status 90 days after the expiration date of the need in order to move that commitment off of the “pending list” of the organization. We assume that the person who met the need is not likely to “Complete” the need and enter a testimonial 90 days after the need has expired. Individuals can complete commitments themselves by logging into their personal account/Dashboard, clicking on My Pending Commitments, clicking the Complete button for that commitment, and entering a testimonial.


What are Pending Commitments by Individuals or Groups under View Needs/Reports?

This report shows all the individuals or groups who have agreed to meet a current need posted by your organization. It provides an easy way to look up each person by name, group affiliation or other search criteria. When an individual, group, church or charity agrees to donate items or volunteer time to meet a need, the Key Contact of the organization who posted the need will see each donor’s contact information, the need they met, the date they agreed to meet the need, and the church or company they are associated with (if applicable). The Key Contact will also receive an automated e-mail confirming who has agreed to meet each need. Likewise, the donor will receive an e-mail with instructions for next steps to meet that need.

On this report, Key Contacts can:

  • Enter any identifying information about a particular individual or group to see all of their outstanding commitments
  • Select from drop down boxes to narrow all commitments by the categories or subcategories of goods or services provided to the organization, families, mission trips, missionaries or events
  • Sort Pending Commitments by a wide variety of date ranges (e.g. to follow up with those who have not “completed” promised commitments within a certain period of time)
  • View contact details and organizational affiliation (church or company) of each individual or group, the need they agreed to met, date need is to be met, date they made the commitment, difference between the date the commitment was made and today’s date, and the number of items or volunteers committed
  • View data, graphs and charts showing key metrics for total commitments (those displayed based on your search criteria above) to meet needs posted by your organization by date range and need type. Metrics include the number of volunteers, items, volunteer hours and other summary level statistics.
  • Automatically generate a CSV report showing all of the data for the commitments displayed in the table based on your search criteria.

What are Filled Needs?

Filled Needs are those that have been fully met (e. g. 10 items or volunteers are needed, and all 10 have been “claimed” by individuals). Filled Needs are color-coded Green. Filled Needs no longer appear in search results. If more items are needed, filled needs may be edited to increase the Quantity Needed. The need will then reappear on the search results requesting the number of additional items or volunteer spots you entered. That need will also move from Filled Needs to Open & Partially Filled Needs in that scenario since it is now only partially filled. Similarly, if a volunteer shift or resource need is filled and someone who has agreed to meet that need Cancels or Decreases the # of volunteers or items they plan to provide, that need will become unfilled again and will return to Open & Partially Filled Needs (needing the number of additional volunteers or items that were cancelled or decreased).

On this report, Key Contacts can:

  • Edit any details about a need, including increasing the quantity needed so that the need reappears on the search results again
  • Edit specific occurrences of a recurring need
  • Add Shifts to a recurring need, loading in additional times for a volunteer need that day
  • See all Details about every individual or group who has agreed to meet (or partially meet) that need
  • Deactivate the need
  • Alter the View Status of the need to make it Public, Private or Semi-Private
  • Audit commitments in order to ensure accurate reporting of the fulfillment of commitments (i.e. cancel no-shows, change hours or quantities) and record other changes to those commitments via the Edit Need Response button
  • Email all those who have signed up to meet that need or email just those who have completed their commitments, cancelled or are still pending
  • Duplicate needs, avoiding the need to reenter information

What are Expired Needs?

This report shows details about needs that have been posted in the past by your organization, including all contact details for each person who met every need. Expired needs are those where the Date Needed by: is prior to the current date. Expired needs no longer appear in search results.

On this report, Key Contacts can:

  • Edit any details about a need, including changing the Date Needed By to a future date in order to reactivate a need so that it reappears on the search results again
  • Edit specific occurrences of a recurring need
  • Add Shifts to a recurring need, loading in additional times for a volunteer need that day
  • See all Details about every individual or group who has agreed to meet (or partially meet) that need
  • Deactivate the need
  • Alter the View Status of the need to make it Public, Private or Semi-Private
  • Audit commitments in order to ensure accurate reporting of the fulfillment of commitments (i.e. cancel no-shows, change hours or quantities) and record other changes to those commitments via the Edit Need Response button
  • Email all those who have signed up to meet that need or email just those who have completed their commitments, cancelled or are still pending
  • Duplicate needs, avoiding the need to reenter information


What are Open/Partially Filled Needs?

A report showing all needs your organization has posted which are either Open (those not met at all, in Red) or have been Partially Filled (those where a portion has been met, but not fully – in Orange).

On this report, Key Contacts can:

  • Edit any details about a need (e.g. description, quantity needed, recurrence frequency)
  • Edit specific occurrences of a recurring need
  • Add Shifts to a recurring need, loading in additional times for a volunteer need that day
  • See all Details about every individual or group who has agreed to meet (or partially meet) that need
  • Deactivate the need
  • Alter the View Status of the need to make it Public, Private or Semi-Private
  • Audit commitments in order to ensure accurate reporting of the fulfillment of commitments (i.e. cancel no-shows, change hours or quantities) and record other changes to those commitments via the Edit Need Response button
  • Email all those who have signed up to meet that need or email just those who have completed their commitments, cancelled or are still pending
  • Duplicate needs, avoiding the need to reenter information

How long are my data/reports available?

MTN does not allow you to delete old needs or data from your dashboard and we do not currently archive data, so your reports will show all data from previous years/months. Select the date range for the information you want to see and export historical data if you would like to do additional analysis.