There are many features of volunteer management. Below are some scenarios based on different types of organizations using MTN and different needs sources.
Local Partners
1) If you are a church: Empower your local partners (food banks, homeless shelters, etc) to join MTN and post their own needs. Through links, their needs will show on your website, on their own website, as well as on many other local church websites for individuals to search and adopt (looking like each website – not MTN’s website). As a church you have access to see which of your members are serving, where, and when in the community through detailed reporting. Your partners will have a complete platform to manage all their outreach activity. As your partners post new needs, your members who have chosen to connect with specific partners will receive notifications that new needs have been posted. As your members adopt needs, they will receive email reminders (21, 7, and 1 day prior to the Need-By date) to complete their commitment and give a testimonial of how their serving experience was.
2) If you are a non-profit: Post your needs to show on your website, local church websites, partner business websites, and other agency websites. All needs are shared through links looking like your non-profits’ website or your partners can join MTN and have your needs looking like their website. Your partners will see all your needs AND have a complete platform to manage all their outreach activity (if they join MTN). As your needs are being met, you (the key contact) will receive notifications of each commitment. The volunteer will receive reminders to complete their commitment and give a testimonial of their serving experience (21, 7, and 1 day prior to the Need-By date). Approved Members on your dashboard will receive new needs posted emails when you post new needs so they are aware of your new postings.
Missions Needs
1) If you are a church: Create teams for each of your missions trips or add specific missionaries to your missions module. Empower your missionaries and missions team leaders to post their own needs (or you post for them), manage their volunteers, and run missions reports. With a missions link(s) on your website, as needs are posted they will be automatically on your website for your members to search, commit, and connect directly with your missionaries/missions team leaders. The same automated emails go out as mentioned in the Local Partners section above.
Internal/Outreach Needs
1) If you are a church: Post needs for the church as a whole from your main dashboard. Create teams to empower team leaders to post outreach needs. Create teams to empower team leaders to post internal church needs (ushers, greeters, etc) through the At My Church category.
Needs will show on your website (through links) for your members to search and adopt and if you choose they can be seen on other church and local agency websites. Note: All internal church needs (usher, greeters, etc posted through the At My Church category) will only be visible on your church website. It is only the outreach needs that you have an option to show on other websites.
You have access to detailed reporting to see the needs that have been posted and commitments made. The same automated emails go out as mentioned in the Local Partners section above. As a team posts needs the “new needs posted” email only goes to the Approved Members of that team (not the main organization).
2) If you are a non-profit: Post needs for your organization as a whole from your main dashboard. Create teams to empower team leaders to post needs and see reports. Needs will show on your website (through links) for your volunteers to search and adopt and they will appear on local church websites. You have access to detailed reporting to see the needs that have been posted and commitments made. The same automated emails go out as mentioned in the Local Partners section above. As a team posts needs the “new needs posted” email only goes to the Approved Members of that team (not the main organization).